Recording Log

 Recording Log

Figure 11

Fig.11 above shows the recoding log in a form of Grantt Chart. Looking at the image above, the process of editing the sound of this gameplay are divided into 3 process which are Planning Stages, Production Stage and Post-Production Stage. Furthermore, it really shows also the starting of this processes are from week 3 June 2021 and end to week 2 August.


Planning Stages

For the Planning Stages, on the week 3 of June just reviewing as well as creating timestamp for the stage 1 on the game until week 4. Meanwhile, for the creating timestamp for stage 2 and 3 are on week 1 of July. On this week also it where after finishing all the timestamp for all stages, will be researching the sound effect for it that took around 2 weeks in July. After, done researching for sound effects, the next step is researching of the background music for all scenes inside the game. That start on week 2 until week 3.


Production Stage

Therefore, that all the Planing Stages. For next process will be on Production Stage. During this stage where an action been done which were downloading all the selected sound and music. For the sound effects it takes 2 weeks in July same as the week during researching the sound effects. Therefore, same goes to background music the downloading time same as the researching part which is on week 2 until week 3 on the same month. Meanwhile, the part in creating Foley its around week 4 of July that only took only 1 week.


Post-Production Stages

For this stages, the first process were cutting and trimming the footage inside the premier pro according to the scenes, therefore it easy and much faster to edit the sound and not easily confuse. This was occur during week 3 of July. For the next process was arranging the sound effects and background music of stage 1 from the game that took 2 weeks from week 3 until weeks 4 of July in order to finish it. Furthermore, for the arranging the Foley sound for all stages, it on weeks 4 within the same month after arranging the sound effects and background music of stage 1. Moreover, for the stage 2 sound effects and background music occur from week 4 until the first week of august. As a result the for the final stages, the sound and the music background was arranging from the first week of august until week 2 of august. Meanwhile, for the result scene for every stages, that forget to mention on the image above. The arranging of sound effects and the background music occur on the same week as arranging the background music on week 4.