Theory of Sound
What is Sound in General knowledge?
- Frequency (Hz)
- Decibel (dB)
Figure 1
Like shows on Fig.1 above, can be see that only Sine Wave looks smooth in terms of the flow of the sound. While for the Triangle Wave and Sawtooth Wave both of them have few similarity in terms of both of them have pointy instead of smooth curve. But for the Square Wave, which one of the unique sound waveform example that the sound flow in a form of square that can be seen on fig.1 above. However, the similarity that can be seen for 4 sound waveform example is all of them have high and low amplitude, which indicate if the higher the amplitude the high louder the sound while if the lower the amplitude the lower the sound, which same have the same scenario in terms of the number of Hz. If the higher the number of Hz the higher the amplitude while if the lower the Hz the lower the amplitude of the waveform.
Figure 2
Like mention of Fig.2 above shows the example of Decibel that use in Premiere Pro. Where the unit of this Decibel is “dB”. Its different like Frequency, which more into the flow of the sound that shows. While for the Decibel, it more into up and down that can be seen by people like, Fig.2 really shows that if there no sound the dB there will be no movement. But if there sounds on it the dB automatically detect it and the dB will be increase or decrease according to the beat of the sound, where Fig.2 shows the yellow line which indicate the sound go higher and the green one shows the sound is in the normal stage of loudness. If the sound reach red color this shows that the sound is over loud of over pitch. Therefore, the two small rectangle box and the red color shows the limit of the sound.
In addition in games, sound also play a major role due to if no sound inside the video game there will be boring or the player can’t feel what the developer want the player to feel about the game. Just imagine, if there no sound which include, voice over, sound background, music and much more the game will be in silent and the player will less interest on the game, where Video.1 below shows the example of "Cuphead" game without any sound.
Video 1
What is Diegetic?
In terms the definition of Diegetic. Diegetic sound is where the sound come out from the game world itself which more into realistic. That helps the audience to understand and feel more interesting on the game. Its to easy understand by giving this example such as:-
Character talking to each other or dialogue, the sound of objects and also the music inside the video game. For the character dialogue one of the clear example of diegetic sound. Like shows on Video.2 example of character talking to each other in “Call of Duty Modern Warfare”.
Video 2
The next one will be the sound object, example of the sound of people walking, sound of swords, the sound of running and much more which makes the video game more realistic but it the sound also depends on the theme itself, due to some sound will be different. However, in this case like shows on Video 2.1 example of someone walking from the same game like “Character Dialogue” above they use more into realistic sound because of the game more into realistic type of game.
Video 2.1
The last example will be the music within the video game, meaning by this just imagine if the character go inside the bar scene they will be someone who play piano and guitar that produce music inside the scene this also consider as Diegetic sound due to the music come from the world and they will be stop if someone disturb them. This type of Diegetic sound called “diegetic music”. While Fig 3 shows the example of someone play music instrument scene from Last of Us video game.
Figure 3
What is Non- Diegetic?
For the Non-Diegetic, its the opposite of the Diegetic, where diegetic within the world itself but for Non-Diegetic, the sound that not inside the world. In simple words not original from the world, where will be added on the scenes inside the game during the Post-Production by the sound editors. This is type of sound use because of to shows something to the audience or telling something to the audience example what will coming or they achieve something. The example such as :-
Sound effects, where the editor added it inside the game to make it rather than little realistic effects but more into dramatic or more interesting according to the mood (theme) of the game example of Mario hat spinning sound effects on Mario game that shows on Fig.4 below, where the sound are unique and interesting due to the type of game is more into cartoonish style .
The another example will be background music, where also important because of it give emotion to the player what the situation will be example of if the character walk inside the abandoned hospital, they will be slow music that sound so scary. In simple words this where the editor add more music element that can be relate to the scene such as horror, surprise, suspend and much more. Example of Counter strike game that shows on Video.3 below.
The last one will be the voice over, or the narrator. This can be see in mostly in game nowadays example of the tutorial part of the game where, the character that talking not in the scene but they voice telling the main character what to do. That helps the player how to play the game. For example on Fig.5 below shows the example of Jumanji Video game, where someone teaching the audience how to move.
When Trans-Diegetic Happen?
Furthermore, if the sound of Diegetic and Non-Diegetic combine, it called Trans-Diegetic. Where the two type of sound transition between the video game scenes, like an continuous music example of the main character start signing (Diegetic) and when the scene begin to change the song still the same but it change into music background (Non-Diegetic) while changing into another scenes. This is where the Trans-Diegetic happen and example of the Trans-Diegetic.